Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Now and then

Twenty years ago...

...I would see a field and run across it.
Now - I drive around.

...I thought Prince Charming rode a horse.
Now - I realize he rides a used purple minivan.

...I thought being "grown up" was going to be the best.
 Now - I realize those carefree childhood days were endearingly sweet.

...I thought boys had cooties.
Now - well, now I know they do.

...I thought politics were confusing.
Now - somethings don't change.

...I thought my parents were made of money.
Now - I just wish my husband was.

...Staying up past bedtime was such a treat.
Now - early bedtime is a luxury.

...I thought my aunts and uncles were old.
Now - the "aunt and uncle" are my little sister and brother.

...Vacations were fun.
Now - vacations are exhausting.

...If I wanted to know what my friends were doing, I had to wait until the next day at school and have a conversation to find out.
Now - I just open Facebook.  Or send a text.

...I thought date nights involved fancy restaurants while still unmarried.
Now - some of the best date nights were in the past 10 years, with good ice cream, on the sofa, with my husband, laughing freely, in sweat pants.

...Supper just appeared on the table.  My laundry got clean.  The bathroom cleaned itself.
Now - God, bless my dear mother for her years of thankless service.  I get it now.

...I envisioned being a ballerina or a single journalist living in an apartment with a couple big dogs for company.
Now - I'm a homemaker and mom.  Its the best.  (Most days.)

...I envied the slender shoulders and smooth hips I saw in magazines.
Now - I'm glad my arms are thicker because I carry children and hips are rounder because I bore them.

...I thought wrinkles meant you were old.
Now - I think wrinkles are symbols of earned wisdom.

...They told me God was good.
Now - He doesn't always make me happy; He hasn't made me rich.  But He's loved me at my worst and never left me there.  His good is so much better than I imagined 20 years ago.
They were right.

1 comment:

  1. Love all of this, Stephanie.

    "...They told me God was good.
    Now - He doesn't always make me happy; He hasn't made me rich. But He's loved me at my worst and never left me there. His good is so much better than I imagined 20 years ago.
    They were right." AMEN.
