Monday, April 16, 2012


Ever imagine what it would have been like to have been born in another time period or place?  I wonder why God chose here and now for us.  Why did God choose this era of expensive gas, ridiculous political jargon, frustration over health insurance, too-busy lifestyles, consumerism, and cable t.v.?  Why didn't he choose to have us exist 100 years ago, or 1,000?  What if we'd taken a different road?

I don't know. I won't know.

Certain things might have been very good in a different time.  
I would probably be more prepared to run a home and family if I'd been raised for that specific purpose.  
I'd be better at making bread.
There would be far fewer distractions.
I wouldn't own so much stuff, or feel the need to.
I'd be ok with being dirtier.
I might know the worth and the cost of knowing God, and be closer to him.

But today I am thankful.

Long ago, I wouldn't have been granted an education.  I might not know how to read.
My vision would be so terrible without glasses or laser surgery that I'd barely be able to see.
My teeth would be crooked.
If I'd been born in China, they might have bound my feet.
If I'd been born in India, I might live in a garbage dump.
If I'd been born in parts of Africa, I might be circumcised and married by adolescence.
If I'd been born in the Middle East, my arms and legs would always be hidden from the light of day.
I would never have traveled far.
I wouldn't have friends all over the world.
My parents would have chosen someone else for me to marry.
My youngest would have died soon after birth without surgery.
Without antibiotics, my four year old might have died when the splinter in his finger got infected.
My husband might have died from dehydration when he got a bad case of the flu.
I wouldn't know how to drive.
I wouldn't know how to blow a bubble with bubble gum.
I might not know how to swim.
I wouldn't have named my blog Teenage Mutant Ninja Toddlers.
I might be burned at the stake for owning and reading a Bible.

We are here, now, for a reason.  I could sing the shoulda, coulda, woulda's.  I could wonder "what if?"  But I could be content; get on with living.  Purposefully and fully.  And I've had my morning coffee.  Praise God for the era of morning coffee!  Time to go live the day.  

1 comment:

  1. Amen, Stephanie. I think about this a lot, I think people often make the mistake of glorifying the "good old days". Thank you for putting it into words!!! Love you!
