Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fuzzy Pickles

Woke up late.  
Four-year-old was yodeling from the bedroom, "Momm-mee, Henry's sii-ick."  Upon quick inspection, discovered Henry simply coughing - rather cheerfully from all the ensuing attention - and ordered all three to go back to sleep.  It was time for them to be up, but I wasn't ready to hurtle head long into the day just yet.  They didn't "sleep" much longer, but I got the coffee started and scanned a quick chapter from the Bible.  Read something about aspiring to "lead a quiet life, mind your own business, and work with your own hands..."  Then I started hurtling.  
Baby was snotty and cranky.  It could be just a cold - or could be a warning sign of shunt or kidney infection.  I don't know.  He wiped his nose on my black shirt. 
Wanted to make bread today.  Dumped flour into the Kitchenaid; realized I didn't have quite enough sourdough starter.  While adding to starter, two-year-old "helped" by jabbing the flour from the mixing bowl into any possible crevice in the mixer that might lead to electrical or motorized parts.  Cleaned up Henry, counter, and floor.  Bread might get made tomorrow.  
Called doctor to schedule baby's next check up.  They can only see him during his nap times and not for over a month.  Should have set this up a long time ago.  
Fumbled through homeschool lessons since I fell asleep last night before prepping for the day.  (Did wake up quite refreshed, though.  That was nice.)  Five-year-old does not like handwriting.  Four-year-old colored entire work page black.  Ambitious.  Two-year-old played outside in the dirt.  Wondered what all the other local homeschoolers were learning today.  Probably a lot.  
Lunch came out of a can. (No bread.  Remember?)  Fed baby leftover chicken and frozen blueberries.  Baby was still blue around edges an hour later.  Yelled when I should have disciplined.  Disciplined when I should have gotten the facts first.  Let the boys watch a movie so I could attend to the morning carnage.  Reheated leftover lasagna.  Ate it cold an hour later.  
Blessed naptime.  
Four-year-old decided not to partake.    
Five-year-old not interested in starting a book about dresses.  I didn't fight.  We started Winnie the Pooh instead.  Considered attacking laundry pile hulking in the corner.  Added load from dryer and ignored it instead. Practiced number flash cards with four-year-old.  When he got them wrong, Shiloh mumbled in disgust, "Fuzzy pickles."  Must be a terrible occurrence, in his mind.  
He ended up playing mail man with the cards.  
Made supper while kids played outside and baby fussed.  Cleaned two-year-old when he came in smelling suspicious.  We don't have pets that would leave anything around.  Ugh.  Five-year-old cleaned all the little crab apples off the young tree in the back yard.  He proudly brought them in and asked to make jelly with them.  I said no.  Called kids in for supper and cleaned hands thoroughly while baby fussed. 
Made kids eat vegetables.  I think my two-year-old has forgotten how to swallow.  I bet food tastes good still warm.  I don't remember.  
Shuttled four boys through bath.  Need new drain plug.  Baby probably gets a new cast on his foot tomorrow, so that means no baths while it's on.  Hope I remember not to feed him blueberries during this period.  (The cast simply stretches the ankle/foot muscles that he can't stretch on his own.  He doesn't notice it except when he drags it up to his mouth to chew on.)          
Nursed baby while reading The Little Engine That Could for the bazillionth time.  Boys fought over who gets to be which train.  They have to fight over something.  
Prayed in their dark room.  Henry added, "Thank You for trains.  Thank You for Daddy's house.  Thank You for Mommy.  And thank You for trains."   Awh.  I love my boys.  
Cleaned dinner off the table.  Did dishes.  House smelled like fish and diapers.  Got trash out for garbage day tomorrow.  Vacuumed.  Looked at laundry pile.  Decided to do paperwork and then blog instead.  Looking forward to sleeping.

That's a day in my life.  Left out some trivial things so it wouldn't seem too busy.  I am so blessed and I wouldn't trade.  Really.   
Well, maybe the laundry.


  1. If it makes you feel any better, we skipped school altogether today after getting up very late, finishing breakfast near lunch time, and deciding we couldn't bear to buckle down. So we left all the dirty dishes in the sink and escaped to the library.

    My kids haven't had a bath since Saturday, and they have salty hair from the ocean. I made all four of them cry when I demanded to know which one of them had done something none of them had done. Their dad had done it.

    I needed to make bread today, too, and reading your blog reminded me of it. But it's 11:30 now, and I don't have time. I meant to do it yesterday. Hot dinners in heaven -- and no one to cut them up for. Hang in there, lady. There is a reward.

  2. It does make me feel better. Thanks! It is fun to write about it all. In hindsight.

  3. Love your blogs girls my kids haven't had baths since Saturday either.

  4. Stephanie I LOVE YOUR BLOG. But even more so I love your heart! Even though I don't have four little boys I still relate to soooo much of what you've written here. You are such a good mom and a huge blessing to everyone around you! Your kids praying = SO CUTE.
