I've almost found the table,
I've nearly found the floor.
There's just a mound of toys and shoes
Between me and the door.
The baby isn't napping,
The brothers bicker and whine.
The witching hour is on us now,
But supper won't be on time.
I hope that was a raisin
Baby just found on the rug.
Perhaps it stands to reason
That he has a stomach bug.
Desitin beneath my nails -
Call it my french manicure.
A bean leaf from the garden
Also adds to my allure.
I'd order in a pizza
But the budget's come and left.
We sigh and say we'll live on love
But sometimes feel bereft.
The house isn't always happy,
It isn't always fun.
I'm tired, I grump, I pass the buck -
And my family bears the brunt.
I'm elbow deep in dishes now;
My young blessings are in bed.
"May this cup pass from me" I pray -
But he puts it in the sink instead.
Still I'm fairly certain
It's worth the struggle and heck.
Small souls - more real than currency -
Love doesn't pay by check.
Rich indeed by measurement
Forgot by the common earth,
My little jewels in camouflage
Are great and timeless worth.
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