Wednesday, March 14, 2012

When the Egg teaches the Chicken

I have, and am, learning a great deal from my children.  Permit me to share a few lessons from the past six years.

1.  Its OK to cry.  Sometimes.

2.  Mud is just awesome.

3.  Being forgiven feels good.

4.  Sleep is just awesome.

5.  There are a few really good kids' books out there.  A few.

6.  If you're shy, let Gavin do the talking.

7.  Don't panic if the smoke alarm goes off; check to see if Mommy's in the kitchen, then wave vigorously at it until the smoke goes away and the baby calms down.  Works every time.  

8.  There's not much a piece of candy - or chocolate - and a cuddle can't heal.

9.  Grandmas are just awesome.

10. Greet the day with relish.  Don't spread relish on the walls.

11. Waking up early means more time to do important stuff.  Read, eat, and wrestle.

12. Schedules make unpredictable life more manageable.

13. Sticks are the best toys.  Cardboard boxes are a close second.

14. Pray regularly for your washer and dryer.  And thank God for running water.

15. Snuggling a baby calms you both down.

16. Chocolate milk and crackers can help reconcile a crummy afternoon, whether you are 3 or 30.

17. Sometimes it takes more than one time to learn a lesson.

18. Practice makes better.

19. Folks under at least four years old cannot lie or practice deceit successfully.  That is a blessing and an honor, and we should all wish for that kind of innocence.

20. Being a mommy is just awesome.  

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